Thursday, May 7, 2009


me drunk. oh boy. well for starters i text like its my damn job and are they things i really should be saying? no. i almost always lose some article of clothing i cant even tell you how many scarfs i have lost in the past 6 months i think i lost my millionth one last night . And then there is my overwhelming appetite. when im drunk i will eat anything...ANYTHING and my most recent favorite? seven eleven hot dogs. worst. on some straight slimer status. gross


  1. i couldn't f-ing agree with you more on the drunk texting status. in fact, drunk texting beats out drunk calling on the 1-10 scale of BAD IDEAS. horrible idea. horrible. just plain wrong.

    um, seven eleven hot dog is a new low. but i know my ass would be right thr with you if my ass was drunk.

  2. breathalizer on the cell phone, i'm sayin
