Tuesday, May 12, 2009

marc ecko x playboy...

So apparently marc ecko has teamed up with playboy to direct and shoot a spread paying homage to the 80's artist patrick nagel for this months upcoming issue...im not sure how i feel about it, i mean the concept is cool... i love LOVE patrick nagel... and marcs got complex and everything..but...eh.. dude just better do it right...ash even said it, nagel was pretty much the inspiration behind every damn nail salon window decal im just saying, marc, stick to complex.


  1. We love Patrick Nagel's work too! Please come visit a new forum set up by some of his fans:


  2. Duuude, I didn't know that nail salon art was inspired by someone! (I got here by way of a google search for "nail salon window decals").

    ...I've gotta go see about changing the name of a flickr set...
