aww rosie, you so cute and pretty. hey wooooody!
UMMMMM, ROSIE WIT PAC, SAY WHAT??!!! tell me this don't get you amped.

gurl, look atchu. so so fly. rollerblading game was killin shit.
90's fashion. i see you, rosie.
she's legendary.
smart, ill steaze. rosie is the truth.
"the racism, the sexism, i never let it be my problem, it's their problem. if i see a door comin' my way, i'm knockin' it down. and if i can't knock down the door, i'm sliding through the window. i'll never let it stop me from what wanna do"
she does maaaaaaad activism in the puerto rican community and hiv/aids work and homegurl was arrested for disorderly conduct when protesting some american naval air weapons training in PR aka we dropping bombs where we aint supposed to and your babies are gon be born with birth defects type shit.
you can not knock the rosie perez hustle.
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