Saturday, March 14, 2009


i sent this message to a customer crush with no response back.

dear mr. ________,

thank you for having me at your home on ____ st., i have not hung out in a basement for quite some time. you were never supposed to find out how dreamy i thought you are, but (co-worker) can not keep a secret. she has repeatedly embarrassed me since, causing my face to turn brighter shades of red each time. basically, you make me really nervous with your confidence and good looks. but luckily you don't come into ula that often anymore, so i mustn't avert eye contact as frequently. anyhow, i hope that you enjoyed yourself this evening.

with love,

i was hoping that maybe he'd never come into my work again or else i might have an anxiety attack.  but today, after a real chaotic saturday morning, he showed up as i was stocking the refrigerator with beverages and said, "hi margot".  what do i do?  i take the bottled water in my hands, cover my face with them, say "hi ___" and scurry away.  FUCK MY LIFE.  as if he couldn't see my bright red cheeks through the clear water.

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