i love mickey rourke and you know what i don't even really care that his face is all mangled up now. i would still smash. honestly, just watch some mickey rourke movies. the man was beyond FINE. and maybe i'm fucked up for thinkin dude still looks good with that fucking outfit on, but i do. i love him.
i am sooo ready for this album to drop. her last came out when i was a freshman in highschool, so it's been a grip, like ten years. sade is obviously off the hook and imma love her, forever. if my ass ever gets married, "by your side" could be the wedding song. it's the sweetest.
i don't like christmas. and it aint cus i'm a scrooge or clinically depressed. it just aint my thang. everyone gets stressed out. spending money they don't have. santa clauses at the mall give me the heebies. having kids sit on a strangers lap. like what kinda dude wants that job. no way am i lettin my kid go near that. see ya later. and christmas decorations are maaaaaad tack coming from a chic who loves tackyass shit but let's be serious red and green as a color scheme, i'm all set. it just don't look good. christmas music, not really feeling it. i guess there are some things i like... wreaths. they smell good. i like the little drummer boy and i guess i like baby jesus too. human nativities are kind of fun. the charlie brown christmas song is nice too. the island of the misfits from rudolph, like them. and those popcorn tin things with the three flavors, i'll fux wit one of those. and i like stockings.
sooo i took a bit of a hiatus. whatever. my writing sucks and we got like 6 people reading the shit anyway (i love all of you dearly) but it's about to be 2010 and since 2009 blew dick let's hope for something better... and i guess i'm back to fucking with this shit. maybe p and margot will contribute some posts in the new year. laaaaadies!