i watch a lot of late night tv, i'm kinda like a fake insomniac. last week was pretty fucking sleepless so i managed to watch thirteen episodes of mad men on demand... thirteen episodes, and i still can't decide if i even really fucking like it... the show is such an on point period piece, it's the early 1960's and there's lots of US history, which i really like, you know, the space race, the cold war, JFK, the cuban missile crisis, the civil rights movement, gender oppression, etc... but honestly the show sorta hurts my softy feelings. there's mad infidelity and it's jus mad cruel to women and i know thass how it was, but still. if anyone has seen the show, i'm sure you'll know what i'm talking about, the sweetypie secretary that gets rashed on by everybody, well, she jus really breaks my heart... the costumes and make up and hair are INSANE. so big ups there. the women on the show just all look soooo GOOD and the men are real handsome.

will someone i know watch this? please and thanks.